Few volunteers of Hyderabad Dhyana Kendra conducted corporate outreach programme in Gayatri Projects Limited, on December 15, 2018 from 3:30 pm to 5 pm. Around 50 employees of the company, were interested to attend the programme. Our volunteers displayed the YSS CDs and DVDs for the interested employees.Volunteers also gave the application forms for those who wanted to become lesson members. The programme followed the Introduction to YSS, chanting Door of my Heart, a bit of meditation and the visualization technique.The silence while the employees were meditating was very blissful and peaceful. Our Chief Guest, Mr. Murthy, Vice President of Gayatri has been gifted by the Autobiography of a Yogi. The volunteers announced and invited interested people to visit Begumpet Kendra and the book stall in NTR Stadium. Focusing the Power of Attention for Success books were freely distributed among the staff members. This experience also helped us inspire many other people and companies.