Hyderabad Dhyana Kendra organized a special meditation session on Sunday, June 18, 2017 from 5 pm to 7 pm, on the occasion of International Day of Yoga which falls on Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Since the actual date happens to be a working day, it was felt that devotees would benefit more if it were on a Sunday. More than 65 devotees participated in the programme with around 20 new people who visited the Kendra. Since it was a rainy day, the attendance was lower than expected. Sri Narasimha Raju conducted the meditation, with an introduction to YSS and also led a guided meditation for the benefit of the newcomers. A video show of Swami Smarananandaji was played after the meditation which featured edited parts of his interview aired on DD Aastha. After the programme, there was an open house where devotees were served snacks and were also provided with free introductory literature about YSS. The senior devotees interacted with the new devotees and offered their knowledge about the path. A few of the new devotees took application forms.