Hyderabad Dhyana Kendra organised its 3rd 24-hour meditation with stupendous success. Devotees turned in in unprecedented numbers with over 40 devotees staying back in the Kendra. Outstation devotees from Tandur participated enthusiastically and added their wonderful vibrations of love and devotion to the occasion. More than140 devotees participated at various times. Most of the devotees stayed in meditation for most of the 24-hours taking just brief breaks to eat and sleep.The meditation began at 12 noon on 24th December. The Kendra was adorned with colourful snowflakes made by the children of our Sunday School. The altar was decorated with red, white and green garlands. Ample snacks, tea and coffee, hot water kettle, bread and dips/spreads were arranged apart from the christmas cake, dinner (on 24th) and breakfast (on 25th). The midnight meditation included a movie, "Making of a Scripture: Second Coming of Christ" and also last part of Daya Mata's "Scripture of Love." At 12 midnight, the birth of Christ was marked by lighting lamps on the altar with the song in the "Beauty of the Lilies." The concluding session on 25th from 9 am to 12 noon, included the voice of Guruji which was recorded on a Christmas Day, entitled "Making a Heaven on Earth." Carols were sung to the accompaniment of a guitar and piano interspersed with meditation. The programme ended with prayer for others, healing prayers, pushpanjali and also prasad. Many devotees were overwhelmed with the entire programme and felt the presence of God. One devotee remarked, "I felt such strong vibrations of love here that I was unable to leave the meditation hall even to rest." One of the service leaders said,"There is so much material for Christmas that it is hard to choose the perfect reading for such an occasion. I was still undecided when I sat to lead, but my eyes fell on the perfect lines on combating sleep and diving deep in meditation. It was as if Guruji was directly addressing the devotees, the talk, the chanting all fell into place with inspiration reaching from the Divine to the devotee, making my interference redundant."