Hyderabad Dhayna Kendra conducted the International Day of Yoga programme in Oracle, on June 22, 2018 from 4 pm to 5 pm. Around 15 of our YSDY, Hyd, volunteers participated in the programme apart from 70 employees of the company, which included the members of their Yoga club. The presence of our own devotees including our senior devotees— Rajuji, Mangaji, Padmaji, Ravi Kiran, Shiva Sai etc., immensely helped in lending vibrations of peace and joy, which was felt perceptibly by even the new-comers. Our volunteers displayed the YSS books, since sales was not allowed in the campus. The programme followed the YSS guidelines, except that we had to omit the chant and also placing of Guruji's photo. This was well substituted by a standee with Guruji's picture. The attendees responded well, as there was pin drop silence and total attunement to the visualization technique. Our Chairman, Sri Ashish, concluded the programme by gifting our YSS books to the leaders of the Yoga Club - Sri Alex and Sri Radha Krishna. He also mentioned about the centers in Hyderabad and the discount on YSS books. He invited interested people to the 24th Programme at Begumpet Kendra. Around 20 applications forms were given. Some devotees who are well acquainted with the path also attended the programme and renewed their zeal to follow. A man got so inspired that he came to the Kendra on the following Sunday with his wife to attend the IDY programme. Law of Success books were freely distributed among the staff. We especially thank our Chairman and Ms Aparajita who works in Oracle for taking this forward. This also inspired our dear devotees in Serilingampally who plan to take this forward in other companies like Novartis.