International Day of Yoga Programme at St Martin's College, Hyderabad, 2018

Hyderabad Dhyana Kendra conducted a yoga-meditation programme for the staff of St Martin's Engineering College, Dulapally, Qutbullapur,  on June 21, 2018 from 9 am to 10.15 am. Around 70 staff members along with the Chairman Sri M. Lakshman Reddy and Principal of the MBA college participated in the programme. Since the staff wanted a few Asanas to be performed, so we led them in a few Hatha Yoga exercises to prepare the body for meditation. After that, we followed the protocol of the the YSS yoga-meditation as given in the guidelines. The YSS introduction also included a power point presentation with the relevant pictures shown simultaneously. After the chanting, breathing, meditation, visualization, we closed the meditation by chanting OM. We had to omit the healing prayers since there was shortage of time. The programme ended with Swami Smarananandaji's video, which was very well received. 17 people asked for the application forms to enrol in lessons and also we had given free copies of the Law of Success to 70 people. A banner of YSS was placed in the hall along with the college banner. Since the lighting was poor, the photographs were not so good. The college will send the information to the local newspaper and also post on their Facebook account where almost 7000 students will get to see. The Principal was impressed with the meditation and requested if we could conduct this programme for almost 250 students in the main auditorium. The staff were very still during meditation and dived deep into the peace and calm that pervaded the entire room.