Yogoda Satsanga Hyderabad Dhyana Kendra held a press meeting with Swami Suddhananda Giri on Friday October 26, 2018 from 11 am onwards at its Chikoti Gardens premises. Several news papers and the Press Trust of Hyderabad were contacted in-person by our volunteers over the last one month to cover the 125th Birth Anniversary Celebrations in Hyderabad. Some senior devotees sought contacts in Eenadu and Bhakti Channel also. Bhakti channel came with its crew and shot a detailed video of Swamji's interview. After that ETV and Maha TV also took Swamiji's video bytes. Hindi Milaap and Indian Express took audio bytes and recorded the interview with Swamiji. The reporter from Namasthey Telangana took the information and a few pictures. Majumdar, the chief editor if Times Of India, apologized for not being able to make the press meet, but has promised to cover the event as well as announce the event on Sunday in the TOI. He has also committed to publish the article on the" The Art Of Positive Thinking ", in the Speaking Tree column on Sunday October 28th, on the day of the event . They showed such interest in meditation themselves and started inquiring about the teachings of Guruji. The press meeting went on till 1.15 pm and we were informed that the footage will be telecast in the next day or two, just prior to the programme in Shilpakala Vedika.
In the evening Swami Suddhanandaji conducted a meditation for devotees at Begumpet Kendra from 5 pm to 7 pm. Despite a short notice of just 24 hours, there were around 120 devotees (several of whom were new faces) who came for the satsanga and meditation. Swamji spoke about overcoming restlessness in meditation interspersed with anecdotes and quotations from Guruji's teachings. There was a fresh breath of inspiration from the talk given by Swamji. After the talk Swamiji held a volunteers meeting where the entire programme for 28th was clearly chalked out bringing a lot of clarity among the volunteers on how to conduct the main event.
Several news papers covered the event including Eenadu, Indian Express, Times of India, Namasthey Telangana, Bhakti Channel, Raj TV, Jai Shankar TV, video graphed Swamiji's interview. Bhakti Channel also showcased Swamji's brief talk about the event which was aired the very same day.