Hyderabad Dhyana Kendra conducted a public programme at Shilpakalavedika on October 28, 2018, on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Gurudev. This programe was supported by the Government of India, Ministry of Cultural Affairs. Attendees who are new were given a copy of the Undreamed of Possibilities, a pen and an application form and were welcomed to the cosmic chants from 4.30 pm till 5.00 pm. Swamiji Suddhanandaji and Bramhachari Kedranandaji led the programme with Chief Guest, Indian National Badminton Coach Sri Pullela Gopichand. They lit the lamp and were given bouquets and a shawl. A brief introduction about YSS along with pictures was presented. Gopichandji was asked to address the gathering. In his brief talk Gopichandji said, "Today Shilpa Kala Vedika feels very different from all the previous programmes I have attended here. There is a great peace and the vibration is so calming." He also said that he had read the book Autobiography of a Yogi which he purchased in the Nagpur railway Station and that deepened his spiritual interest. He went to Badrinath, Kedarnath and Tunganath in a vain search of Babaji, but then realized that peace should be sought within. He said that he is fortunate to be in this one-of-its kind gathering. Swamiji then proceeded to give his talk on Balanced and Joyous life through Meditation. He enumerated the number of benefits from meditation including prosperity and including others in our well-being, better human relationships, not excluding anybody from our love, having a well-defined purpose in life etc. He enlisted such benefits of meditation that the audience was bursting with enthusiasm by the end of the talk to learn meditation. By this time the hall had nearly 700 people. A little child started crying uncontrollably while the talk was going on. The parent who was sitting in the front row took a long time to exit. Swamiji nicely conveyed that those who meditate will remain unruffled by the external disturbances and keep focused like the way the crying child is focused and not distracted by external influences.
Those interested in becoming members were asked to stay back to fill the form and learn the technique from Swamiji. Around 600 people stayed back for the next session (including new and old members). 230 new applications were received. Scholarships to Law students were awarded by Swamiji and Gopichandji.
Swamiji began with a demo of the Energization after explaining the principles of recharging the body. Br Kedaranandaji demonstrated the first 5 exercises and all the new members did it along with Bramhachariji. Swamiji stressed on the 6 steps to meditation and made everyone practice: 1. Prayer 2. Energization Exercises 3. Chanting 4. Breathing 5. Hong Sau 6. Stillness. During stillness, there was a perceptible presence of the Gurus and a deep sense of relaxation. All of them who attended felt very benefited. Swamiji also told them how the next set of lessons will be sent and what is contained in the existing set of lessons and how they can practice and the importance of being regular.
Vote of thanks was given by our Chairman Sri Bhattacharya. News reporters from Eenadu took the entire brief of the programme. Books worth 25k were sold after discounts.