Janmotsav, January 3-6, 2014

For the benefit of the devotees of the southern region, Janmotsav was held in Hyderabad from January 3-6, 2014 under the guidance of Swami Smarananandaji and Bramhacharis Nishtananda, Karunananda, and Prajnananda. About 800 YSS devotees (and also a few from AP, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra) participated throughout the four-day sangam. While about 150 additional YSS devotees (making the total to 950) attended the January 5th celebrations of Guruji’s Avirbhav. Besides, the spiritual discourses on 3rd , 4th  and 5th  by Swami Smaranananda were attended by an additional 30 to 50 non-members. 

The programme opened with a satsanga by Swami Smarananandaji spoke about Effective Prayer. During the discourses, Swamiji gave elaborate advice covering various aspects of spiritual life -- attitude, attunement, and sadhana, which left an indelible impression in the minds and hearts of the devotees. He said, “We should pray as if everything depends on God and work as if everything depends on human effort, and then surrender the results at God's feet. Prayer works even without our knowledge, just as the food gets digested without our knowledge.” 

During the programme, review classes for Energization Exercises, Hong-Sau, and Om techniques were conducted, which devotees felt, were of great help to them. The spiritual discourses, which were open to the invited and interested members of general public which included, Wisdom of the Bhagvad Gita: The Pandavas and Kauravas within me, Expressing and Experiencing Divine Love in Daily Life,  The Need of a True Guru, etc. The audience listened with rapt attention and expressed that the talks were illustrious and illuminating. 

The venue Arya Vaysya Adbhudaya Sangam in Secunderabad was reachable and convenient for all devotees. Around 121 devotees (54 ladies and 67 gents) were accommodated at the venue comfortably. 30 devotees were accommodated in the hotels outside. The venue had separate halls for conducting English and Telugu classes with ample space for exercises and for book sales.  Classes in Telugu were conducted for the benefit of the regional devotees.  Around 450 -600 devotees attended the review classes in Telugu and 125-150 devotees attended the English class. Evening satsangas were attended by about 650-800 people.

On the concluding day, 68 devotees received Kriya Diksha and 456 Kriyabans attended the Diksha ceremony.  The new initiates were of full of reverential joy on receiving the revered Kriya Yoga Diksha, while the attendees were once again uplifted into pristine meditative mood. Around 54 new members enrolled for the lessons. For the first time, food was cooked at the venue itself under the direct supervision of the devotees, which proved to be economical, hygienic, and delicious enabling us to serve free food to 50-70 people at every meal. 

The food was carefully planned with a detailed menu months before the programme. The cooks were hired who had experience of serving large gatherings for spiritual programmes. The devotees were kept in-charge of the entire catering, serving, and cooking process. During the entire program a total of 1175 Breakfasts, 2321 Lunches and 1399 Suppers were served at the venue. The general feedback regarding food was that it was non-spicy and homely.

Guruji's birthday started with six hour, long meditation where devotees meditated deep in silence and stillness in the sacred atmosphere.  In the afternoon there was devotional chanting of kirtans, where all devotees were immersed in singing.  Evening satsanga on Gurudev's birthday was on "The Need of a True Guru" given by Swami Smarananandaji.  Swamiji impressed the devotees with the following soul touching thought that Guru is the speaking voice of silent God and perfect channel of God and hence Guru feels his duty to awaken the sleeping God in man.

In the evening Sw. Smarananandaji gave satsanga and seven scholarships were given to students pursuing professional courses including medicine and engineering.  The grateful students committed to take this good deed forward & help other students once they settle in their careers. The total programme concluded in a very calm, pleasant, and inspiring mood. Many left with renewed spirits.  Devotees felt that they received more than expected.